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As the mother of three 2e (twice exceptional) children, Julie Skolnick, M.A., JD, is passionate about helping students, parents, educators…
“Max, you have one more minute left of screen time, and then it’s time to put it away,” I calmly…
Pandemic funding is drying up, leaving fewer child care teachers, spots for children with disabilities
Co-Regulation Strategies for Parents
When the world takes one glance at you and reminds you of everything you aren’t, you need to rely on…
Children who stutter are okay as they are
When in doubt, check with your pediatrician.
Horse Around!
What Does Girlhood Mean to You?
Article Updated May 19th 2022 Baseball is the air Taylor Duncan breathes. It’s the unpredictability and fast pace that has…
From a mom who has been there
An Interview with Liz Plachta, Founder of Ruby’s Rainbow
How Parents and Teachers can Help Their Kids Focus
A Journey of Love
Tips for Handling Intense Behavior
The stress response can be a wonderfully positive tool for self-regulation and preservation.