Thank you for answering our July Parent Input prompt, “How do you find alone time? What is your favorite “Me Time” Activity?”
Here are some of the responses to July’s question:
Running outdoors!! – Krysten J.
Reading. I stay up super late at night for my me time. Good thing I’m a night owl! – Lisa D.
Reading while having a nice glass of wine or tea. The Spa. – Leilani A.
Love going on walks and not have to push a stroller, redirect or carry anyone! – Stacey W.B.
Going hiking outdoors at a nearby park. – Jean M.
Taking a nice hot bath with my scented candles lit all around. – Fran H.
I get my neighbor to babysit and then I hang out at my house binge watching TV shows, drinking wine and just relaxing. – Lisa D.
Using the bathroom or sitting in the car for a few extra minutes after coming home from work. – Tonette M.
Spa day with my besties! – Chrissy F.
My husband takes the kids out and I get to do my favorite hobby – painting! – Nancy C.
I hit the golf course. – George D.
We had a blast reading through your responses to July’s question, “How do you find alone time? What is your favorite “Me Time” Activity?”
Check out the answers to last months question about Parent’s Favorite Places to Visit in the DMV.
This month’s question is: “What is something you do to help your kids get off on the right foot at the start of a new school year?” Follow us on Facebook for a chance to be featured online or in our magazine with your answer!