How do you prepare your kids for Day Camp Adventures?
Summer day camp is a place where children can stretch their minds, exercise
their bodies, develop new interests and forge lasting friendships. For
young children, it is a good introduction to the camp experience. For older
ones, it is a way to enjoy the activities without the overnight option. Day
camp programs vary from one setting to the next. So here are some things to consider
to make the most of your kids summer camp adventures.
1. Consider interests.
Day camps offer a host of options that include everything from one
centralized activity to a variety of traditional camp fun. Talk with your
child about his interests and what he would like to gain from the
experience. Would he enjoy an assortment of activities or does he want to
concentrate on one skill, such as soccer or art?
2. Ponder program length.
Ranging from several hours to a full day, from one week
to an entire summer, Day Camp’s all vary. How long your child should participate in a program
will depend largely upon his age, developmental level and previous camp
experience. First-time campers would do well starting in a partial- to
full-week program. Experienced campers may enjoy one that runs throughout
the summer. Even if your child decides to stay at camp all summer, consider
a break between camp and school for down time.
3. Look at location.
If you choose a day camp close to home, commute time will be less and your
child may already be acquainted with some of the other children. A day camp
near your employer, however, would give you quick access to your child in
the event of an emergency. If your child needs additional morning or
afternoon child care, you may want to consider a program close to your
4. Ask about staff.
Find out what the camper-to-counselor ratio is. Ideally it should be six
campers to one counselor, as recommended by the American Camping
Association. What experience and/or training do the counselors have? How
are they selected? What is the camp’s discipline policy? Are counselors
trained to take care of health concerns, such as asthma, allergies and
dispensing medicine?
5. Focus on the facility.
Ask about indoor and outdoor facilities. Is there ample indoor space for
children to play during inclement weather? What do they do if it rains all
week? Are the outdoor equipment and grounds well maintained and safe? Are
the children’s swimming skills tested before they are allowed to enter the
water? Is the staff certified in lifesaving?
6. Investigate cost.
Inquire about additional fees. Some day camps have a base price but charge
extra for trips, special events and activities. If the camp you want to
send your child to costs more than you can afford, find out if there is a
scholarship program. Also ask about a refund policy in the event of an
illness or family emergency.
7. Arrange a pre-visit.
Most day camps would usually have open houses prior to season start up,
this year things are a little different with Camp Fair’s being hosted online.
But online Camp Fair’s are the perfect place to introduce yourself to those who
will be caring for your child. Jot down any questions you have in an email and consider
asking if the camp would hop on a call or zoom to discuss further.
If they are not addressed during this time, ask to speak with
someone before securing your deposit.
8. Fill out forms.
During your pre-visit, you may receive forms to fill out. When it comes to
medical forms, be thorough and specific. If your child was on a medication
during the school year, but will be taken off of it for the summer, make
sure the camp is aware of this as it could cause an extreme change in
behavior. Insect and food-related allergies should be listed too. Equally
important is to share other concerns, such as if your family is going
through a divorce or has experienced a recent death, as this may affect how
your child interacts throughout the day. Remember, camps look out for the
physical and emotional needs of your child, so the more information you
provide, the better equipped they will be.
You will also be asked to fill out an emergency contact form, which lists
another designated individual to call if you cannot be reached in the event
of an accident or illness. While it is imperative to have an appointed
individual, equally important is that the person knows she is designated as
such. Every year camps contact the emergency person listed and she was not
informed she was “on call.” The best advice? Check with that individual
before writing the name down.
9. Peruse policies & procedures.
Camp should give you materials on camp policies, procedures and planned
activities. If you and your child know what to expect and what is expected
of you, camp will run smoother. Most camps have a weekly schedule so
parents know what the upcoming activities are. Talk with your child about
what is planned. If she cannot participate due to health reasons, make sure
you (not your child) inform the camp.
In recent years, many day camps have developed strict policies about
leaving technology items – cell phones, handheld games and other tech toys
– at home. Their philosophy is day camps are designed to be enriching
experiences and the children should be engaging in these activities rather
than playing with electronics. If restricted items are brought to camp,
they may be confiscated and returned at the end of the day in hopes the
child gets the message.
10. Keep the line of communication open
Talk about camp before it even starts. Reassure your child of the
positive experience he will have. At the end of each camp day, find
a block of uninterrupted time when you can listen as he shares his
adventures. Ask what he liked about camp and if there were any
things he didn’t like. If he is having a hard time articulating
what happened, break it down by activities – “What crafts did you
do?” “Did you play any outdoor games that involved balls or
running?” “Who did you play with at the pool?” “Who did you sit
with at lunch?” Above all, encourage your child to always do his
best, obey the rules and be respectful of others – and chances are
he’ll have a great time.
- Are you licensed by the state or do you hold an accreditation or
certification? What exactly does that credential mean? - What kind of background, training and experience do counselors and
staff have? How are they chosen? - What is the counselor-to-camper ratio? How many students are in
each group? How often are the groups together? - What kind of medical response is on hand? Camp nurse or CPR and
first-aid certified staff? - Are you able to administer medicine?
- What safety precautions will you be taking in regards to COVID-19?
- What is a typical day like?
- How often will the campers take field trips? Where do they go? Is
there increased supervision in populated settings? - What other resources are available to campers, such as a pool,
farm, hiking trails, ropes course, archery, etc.? How often will my
child be able to participate in these? - Are lunches and/or snacks provided?
- Do you offer before- and after-care? Will it be the same staff
caring for my child? - How often are the facilities cleaned?
- What alternative plans do you have for inclement weather?
- What does the camp fee cover? What extra fees will I be required to
pay? - Do you offer scholarships or financial aid?
- What is the refund policy and what are the rules regarding transfer
of weeks? - What is your policy regarding cell phones and other technology
items brought to camp? - How do you handle homesickness and other adjustment issues?
- What is the discipline policy?
- How do you handle bullying?
- What are your drop-off and pick-up policies?
- Will you provide references?