Working from home yields a lot of benefits. There’s often more freedom, flexibility, and growth potential than a traditional office job. But it also comes with some unique challenges, especially if you have toddlers or young babies in tow!
Parenting young children is difficult when it’s your only responsibility. Adding work into the mix can become downright overwhelming, unless you have structure and routine in place. If you’re a WFH parent who’s trying to get into a healthy, efficient rhythm, check out these practical tips.
Pave the way
First of all, make sure you’re on the career path you want to be on. If you’re looking for a career change, consider going back to school and earning a degree. By doing an online program, you can have more flexibility and work at your own pace, which will enable you to work and take care of your kids as you earn your degree. Not all online programs have to break the bank, either. Enrolling in a business program will help you strengthen everything from your business management skills to your marketing skills.
Establish your workspace
As with any job, you need a legitimate workspace when working from home with kids around. Make sure you have enough space to comfortably perform your day-to-day tasks, as well as an ergonomic chair, a desk, and any necessary devices.
If possible, set up your primary workstation in a spot that gets plenty of natural light, and opt for desk lamps and floor lamps for additional lighting. Moreover, try to make your workspace your own! Paint the walls an attractive shade and put up decor that will keep you motivated and inspired.
Set boundaries
Along with having an adequate workspace, you’re going to need a solid schedule in place to succeed as a WFH parent. Figure out which times of day you are most productive, factor in your responsibilities with the kids, and create a schedule that helps you fulfill your duties most efficiently.
It’s important that your family respects your work hours as well. Be sure to set boundaries that will help you minimize distractions and be present in every aspect of your life.
Keep your kids occupied
The reality is that your kids need to be occupied at all times, especially if they’re toddlers or babies. Fortunately, there are a plethora of activities you can set up for your children while you’re trying to get work done. Consider investing in various coloring books, introducing your kids to punch embroidery, getting them interested in sticker games, and trying any other activities that keep them engaged and learning while you earn a living.
Make time for yourself
As crazy as your life is, you still need personal time. If you don’t foster your own well-being, it will be nearly impossible to stay productive and successful as a WFH parent.
Make sure you get at least seven hours of sleep and establish a firm bedtime so that you can wake up early and have some time to yourself. Make a pot of coffee, sit down in your favorite chair, read a book, write in a journal, make a plan for the day (or week), and do anything else that helps you to relax and recharge before the day starts.
Being a parent is hard, and being a WFH parent can be especially difficult. Consider the tips above as you set out to earn a living while raising wonderful kiddos. And keep looking for other ideas and strategies to help you strike a balance with everything you have going on. In no time, you’ll be confident, productive, and unstoppable—whatever comes your way!
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